I have found that music can fill those little empty spots of doubt or fear. Music, good whole, truth-binding music can move my soul when nothing else, even God’s word can’t. And because of this, I have a few favorites I would like to share with you for when times seem dark or tough or bleak or well, hopeless.
Sometimes just the first notes of the tune will roll over my mind again and again…as if God is saying, “Don’t forget.”
“I am with you.”
“Listen, child.”
Really, these are words put to music but placed carefully by Him, the greatest musician.
I believe I have purchased all of these via iTunes, sometimes via my Shazam app (click and it can tell you what song you are listening to and then will link you up to iTunes! brilliant!!!) and sometimes friends or my awesome sister have shared…but no matter how I’ve happened upon them, they have been LIFE CHANGING.
Comforting music holds precious power over all of our senses even if we only listen with our ears.
does that make sense?! 🙂
Please enjoy these videos, download the original songs and be encouraged.
My faves: (these are links to the “official” videos on YouTube. You can find them all on iTunes as well.)
Praise You in This Storm, Casting Crowns
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, Chris Rice